Why is a green wheel loading on my website?
If you see a green wheel loading on your website, it means the firewall has detected bot-like activity from your IP address and is performing a security check with an invisible reCAPTCHA.
This means the firewall is blocking potential bots to protect your website.
Here is a visual example of the green wheel page:

Before you start
✅ The green wheel indicates the firewall is protecting your website.
❌ The green wheel is not a website or web hosting error.
ℹ️ Just wait a few moments and follow the steps below to complete the security check.
Step by step
If you have triggered the reCAPTCHA security verification process, you can follow these steps.
1. Wait patiently: Wait a few moments for the reCAPTCHA to complete its security verification process.
2. Refresh your page: If the loading takes a while, try refreshing your page.
3. Check your internet connection: Make sure you are on a stable and secure internet connection.
4. Clear browser cache and cookies: Clear your browser cache and cookies.
5. Go incognito: Open an incognito or private window on your browser and load your site.
6. Use a different web browser: Load your website using a different web browser.