Cancel your domain name


All domains registered with us are set to auto-renew for your peace of mind. If you no longer want your domain, simply turn off auto-renewal, and it will cancel automatically on its expiry date.

Before you start

✅ To cancel a domain, turn off auto-renew well before its renewal date.

ℹ️ When you turn off auto-renew, your domain name will cancel automatically on its expiration date.

❌ You cannot delete an active domain registration; you can only disable auto-renew and let it eventually expire.

Step by step

1. Log in to your user dashboard with us

2. Click on Services from the menu and select Domains

3. Click the arrow → next to the domain name you want to cancel

4. Go to the Auto Renew section and click Auto Renew

5. Select Off on the Auto Renew dropdown

6. Click the Save Changes button

7. Click OK on the ‘Are you sure? Domain will expire unless manually renewed.‘ popup

8. Go to the Auto Renew section and make sure the tag says OFF. This means your domain name will expire and cancel at the end of its registration period. No further action is required, and you won’t be billed.