Renew your domain name early
Any domain you have registered with us is set to auto-renew for your peace of mind. When you renew your domain name early, it means you are renewing it before its auto-renewal date.
When you renew your domain name, an additional year is added to its registration period. You’ll keep the time you paid for already, and gain an extra year on renewal.
Before you start
✅ For your peace of mind, all domain registrations you hold with us are set to auto-renew.
❗Early domain renewals are available only 30 days prior to a domain name expiration date.
ℹ️ If your domain name has ID Protection (domain privacy) activated, that will be automatically calculated into the domain name renewal cost on checkout.
Step by step
1. Log in to your user dashboard
2. Click on Services from the menu and select Domains

3. Click the arrow → next to the domain name you want to renew early

4. Go to the Renews On section and click Renew Domain

5. On the next page, click the Continue button

6. On the order summary page, scroll down and click the Checkout button