Check your service renewal dates
Your service renewal date is the date your service will auto-renew.
Before you start
✅ All services are set to auto-renew on their renewal date.
ℹ️ Your service renewal dates are in the MM/DD/YYYY (month – day – year) format.
Step by step
Hosting services
Use the steps below to find the renewal date for your hosting service(s).
1. Log in to your user dashboard
2. If you have one hosting service, you’ll go directly to its details page. For multiple services, click the arrow → next to the hosting service you want to view details for.
3. Look for the Renews On section to find your service renewal date. In our example, the hosting service will auto-renew on 08/19/2025 (August 19, 2025).
4. If you have the Daily Backups and/or Advanced Security services activated on your hosting service, they will auto-renew on the same date as your hosting service.
Domain registrations
Use the steps below to find the renewal date for your domain registration(s).
1. Log in to your user dashboard
2. Click on Services and then Domains from the dropdown
3. Find your domain name and click the arrow → next to view its details
4. Look for the Renews On section to find your service renewal date. In our example, the domain registration will auto-renew on 09/29/2024 (September 29, 2024).