Pay your invoice


All invoices are set to auto-pay on their renewal date. If your auto-payment fails or you prefer to pay early, you can manually pay an invoice through your user dashboard using the steps below.

Before you start

✅ Auto-pay is enabled on invoices.

ℹ️ You can pay one invoice or multiple invoices at once.

Step by step

Access invoices

1. Log in to your user dashboard

2. Click on Billing

3. You’ll get directed to your Invoices tab automatically. To pay one or multiple invoices, follow the corresponding steps below.

Pay one invoice

1. Click the arrow → next to the invoice you want to pay

2. On the invoice, click the Pay Now! button

3. On the credit card popup, click the Pay Now! button

Pay multiple invoices

1. Click on the Pay all due invoices button

2. The system will auto-generate a new combined invoice. Click the Pay Now! button on it.

3. On the credit card popup, click the Pay Now! button