Fix common IMAP and SMTP email setup errors


IMAP and SMTP email setup errors occur when connecting your email account to an email app, preventing you from sending or receiving emails.

Before you start

🚨In 99.9% of cases, email connection issues occur due to incorrectly inputted IMAP or SMTP details. Double-check and correct them if necessary.

⚠️ If you need to reset your email password, go here: Change your email address password

ℹ️ Errors may have different wording based on your device and software version.

Step by step

Cannot connect using SSL

The ‘Cannot Connect Using SSL’ error means that your email application’s incoming mail (IMAP) or outgoing mail (SMTP) settings are incorrect. Here is a visual example of the error:

To fix the error, follow these steps.

1. Open your email connection settings on your email app

2. Review and update your IMAP & SMTP settings

3. If the error continues, remove your email from the email app and add it again to reset your connection

⚠️ Note: By removing and re-adding your email to your email application, you do not lose any email data, that remains in tact, you only reset the connect between your email address and email application.

Cannot Get Mail

The ‘Cannot Get Mail’ or ‘username or password is incorrect’ error indicates that the email address or password in your email app is incorrect. Here is a visual example of the error:

To fix the error, follow these steps.

1. Open your email connection settings on your email app

2. Review and update your IMAP & SMTP settings

3. If the error continues, remove your email from the email app and add it again to reset your connection

⚠️ Note: By removing and re-adding your email to your email application, you do not lose any email data, that remains in tact, you only reset the connect between your email address and email application.

Cannot reach server

The ‘Cannot reach server’ error may mean your email details are incorrect or your network’s IP address is blocked by the firewall. Here is a visual example of the error:

To fix the error, follow these steps.

1. Disconnect your device from WiFi

2. Connect your device to mobile data

3. Check to see if the error is gone

4. If the error continues, review and update your IMAP & SMTP settings

⚠️ If you’ve confirmed your IMAP and SMTP settings are correct and still get the error over a mobile connection, follow these steps: