Email down: Common errors and how to fix them


If your email appears down, refer to the steps and fixes below.

Before you start

✅ 99.9% of email down cases are caused by the issues listed below, which you can fix quickly and easily. You can also check your email tracking log for details.

ℹ️ Follow each step by step fix below to see why your email is down and take measures to avoid encountering it in the future.

Step by step

Review your nameserver and MX record settings

1. Open this guide to review and complete any required updates:

2. Check the MX Records section and make sure the correct MX record(s) are in place:

3. If your domain nameservers or MX record settings are incorrect, update them and then wait 24 hours for the internet to load the update

Check your email address exists

For your email address to work, it needs to exist on your hosting service. If you’re not sure, go here:

Access your email correctly

To access your email, you need to log in correctly:

Use correct login details

When logging in to email through webmail or adding your email address to an email app on a device, you need to use the correct email login details.

1. When signing into your email, make sure you enter your email address correctly without typos

2. Use the correct email password, if you don’t remember your password, go here:

Check your stored login details on your email apps

If you or any email user connected to your domain name uses your email address on apps (Apple Mail, Outlook, Gmail) through devices, you must make sure the stored login details are correct.

Otherwise, your connection can be blocked by the firewall, resulting in a connection error on your email.

1. Go to your email app on each device where you have your email address connected

2. Open the IMAP and SMTP settings on your email app, and check they are correct

3. Make sure the stored email password(s) are correct. If unsure, change your email address password and update it on your email app as well.

Check your IMAP and SMTP settings

If you are adding your email address to an email application on a device, you need to use the correct IMAP and SMTP settings.

1. Review your IMAP and SMTP settings

2. For specific email apps, reference the guides below:

Implement fixes to common email errors

In many cases, your email may appear ‘down’ due to errors. Below is a list of common errors and fixes.

Most common email errors

Email system must authenticate before sending email
550 5.7.1 [CS] Message blocked MailChannels error
Message has lines too long for transport
550 email blocked error
550-5.7.26 This mail is unauthenticated error (Gmail)

Other typical email errors

Email server certificate is invalid error
Unknown recipient undelivered error
IMAP and SMTP email setup errors
Email spoofing – fake emails
Website contact form email delivery issues

Review your email tracking log

Make sure emails are being sent and received by your email address:

Check for overdue payments

Your email may be down because you have not paid an invoice to renew your hosting service, domain name, or both. Follow the steps to check for and pay overdue invoices.

1. Open this guide to pay any overdue invoices: Pay your invoice

2. After payment, wait a few moments for the system to process your service reactivation

Request to restore accidentally canceled or closed services

If you canceled or closed your hosting service by mistake, open a support ticket to request a service restore.

⚠️ Note (Hosting): Only hosting services with data available in disaster recovery can be restored. Disaster recovery data is kept for a limited time, and restore fees apply.

⚠️ Note (Domains): If your domain name is expired and beyond the grace period, redemption fees may apply.